S02E03 – Indigenous Storytelling
Our focus is on indigenous storytelling! We have an interview with Shelia Laroque and Kayla Lar-Son on the UofA Libraries’ Decolonizing Descriptions Working Group; an interview with Lese Skidmore about the Voices of Amiskwaciy project; a narrative poem by Norma Dunning; and overview of the indigenous and colonization-related themes in the fall blockbuster, Thor: Ragnorok!

Our focus is on indigenous storytelling! We have an interview with Shelia Laroque and Kayla Lar-Son on the UofA Libraries’ Decolonizing Descriptions Working Group; an interview with Lese Skidmore about the Voices of Amiskwaciy project; a narrative poem by Norma Dunning; and overview of the indigenous and colonization-related themes in the fall blockbuster, Thor: Ragnorok!